Increase fiber intake. Consuming high-fiber vegetables and other food aids digestion, eases constipation, and helps feel full longer. Consume whole grain foods such as brown rice, pasta, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or crackers.
Do not eat too many sugary foods and drinks as these can negatively impact immune system. Consuming lots of beef, fish, or cheese may affect the effectiveness of certain Parkinson’s medications. Do not Consume too much sodium, trans fat, cholesterol, and saturated fats.
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The field of hashtag#Movement_disorders refers to conditions such as hashtag#Parkinson's_disease (PD), hashtag#tremor, hashtag#dystonia, hashtag#tics, and other involuntary movements. These are complex disorders with hashtag#genetic and hashtag#environmental factors contributing to their cause. hashtag#Movement disorders can be divided into two groups: those that result in too much movement and those that result in slowness or too little movement. One of the most common movement disorders is hashtag#essential_tremor, which is commonly familial and results in hashtag#shaking of the hands, head, and voice. Another very common disorder is hashtag#Parkinson’s disease, which is characterized by hashtag#tremor, hashtag#slowness_of_movement, and hashtag#trouble_walking. If you work is related, submit your research paper and go global at Spain.
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#Parkinson’s is the second most common age-related #neurodegenerative disorder after #Alzheimer’s disease. An estimated seven million to 10 million people worldwide have #Parkinson’s disease.
As #Parkinson’s prevalence increases threefold after the age of 65, the growth rate in number of people living with #Parkinson’s is expected to increase dramatically.It is estimated that the growth rate will average 4% over the next 20 years. The average time from onset to death is 12.4 years although many people who are diagnosed early in life will live with #Parkinson’s for many more years than this.
If your work is related to it and wanted to know more. Come and join us at #Barcelona_Spain. To know more :
#Parkinson’s disease is a #neurodegenerative condition associated with deposition of a brain protein known as #alpha-synuclein. This protein clumps and spreads throughout the brain, and the spread of the #protein parallels the progression of #Parkinson’s disease.
To know more, Come and explore at #Bracelona, Spain.
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